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An Autumn Cleanse

Starts 5th October- 3rd November

If you are looking into bringing more healthy habits into your life and getting control over your health than a cleanse is a great way to start. As some of you know I am involved with a community of people using natural solutions for their health and well-being through the company DoTerra. We are embarking on a cleanse at the beginning of October using high quality supplements, oils, probiotics and digestive enzymes to create a more efficient functioning body!! How about that?! Sounds exactly what we need right now lovely folk. 

You will also receive food and smoothie recipes to guide you on the cleanse along with a community of people embarking on it for moral support.

Top 10 benefits of a cleanse:

1. Detoxify

2. Increase energy

3. Improve sleep

4. Reduce brain fog

5. Lose weight & reduce cravings

6. Improve skin

7. Improve mood

8. Strengthen immunity

9. Improve digestion

10. Improve metabolic function

For a gorgeous treat I am offering my Wednesday 20:30-21:30 Wind Down classes for free during the cleanse for anybody that joins as I know how supportive it is for when we detox to rest and relax our nervous systems.

Also, Tara who is organising the cleanse is also offering her Yoga classes specifically for the digestive system for free as well. Find out more here. Thursday 24th Sept - Thursday 29th October (6 sessions) 8am - 9:15am GMT. 

Click here to to find out more and watch a video about it all. Let me know if you want to start and I can help you get set up with what you need. There will be lots of support so you won't be on your own. I love this way of cleansing, I usually do it on my own and I wish I had this level of support. That's why I wanted to share it with you all! 

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