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How to sprout lentils

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

Lentils are small, round legumes that come in many sizes and colors. They are popular in traditional dishes around the world. While lentils, like all legumes, can be difficult to digest, sprouting before cooking makes digestion a bit easier for most people.

Instructions for sprouting lentils

  1. Rinse ½ cup lentils, remove any stones or debris, and place in a quart-size sprouting jar or other sprouting container.

  2. Add 2-3 cups water, filling the jar three-quarters full; cover jar with a sprouting screen or mesh sprouting lidSoak lentils at least 8 hours or overnight.

  3. Drain and rinse lentils thoroughly. Invert the jar over a bowl at an angle so that the lentils will drain while still allowing air to circulate.

  4. Repeat rinsing and draining 2-3 times per day until sprout tails appear. Taste sprouts (not lentils) daily; discontinue rinsing and draining when sprouts have reached desired length and flavor.

  5. Drain for several hours before cooking or transferring to a covered container.

Store sprouts in the refrigerator up to 1 week.

Unlike most legumes, lentil sprouts may be eaten raw. However, some may experience discomfort from consuming too many raw lentil sprouts. We recommend cooking sprouted lentils before consuming. Original article via Cultures for Health

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