I am thrilled to be a part of this women's health summit along with these powerful educators sharing life changing practices and knowledge that can support you in feeling more at home in your feminine body and mind. Please join us, I will be offering a restorative Yoga class on Friday 11th June.
Meet our inspiring educators:
What will you receive
You will gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of Women's health, including hormonal health.
How to manage the many transitions that we go throughout our life.
Learn how to use natural solutions for your needs.
Gain insight into how to reduce toxicity in the home to help you care for yourself in the most natural and gentle way possible.
Learn ways of creating more balance and ease in your life.
Meet inspiring women who are eager to support you in transforming your health and well being.
With the ticket you will get all the talks and practices above for the two days AND also receive:
An E-book on Honouring your Moon Cycles with Essential Oils
A 5 minute Breath practice
An E-book Guide to the Divine Feminine.
Three pdfs on sleep support, relaxation and stress and hormones
Booking and exchange
£12 - Early bird if booked by 4th June
£17- 5th June onwards
The summit will run in a PRIVATE facebook group, which you can access from the 7th June.
This will also be where you can access ALL of the summit content LIVE or at your leisure.
The classes are all live, we encourage you to join us in real time if you can. If that is not possible for you, they will be available to watch back until the 31st August.
Looking forward to seeing you there!